


OFFICIAL NOTICE OF CHURCH ANNUAL MEETING SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2022 The members of First Congregational Church of Marshalltown, Iowa are hereby notified that the annual meeting of the church will be held at 11:45AM on Sunday, March 6th, 2022 in the sanctuary at 312 West Main Street, Marshalltown, Iowa and via Zoom on-line. Reports will be reviewed from various church officers and boards, new officers and board members will be elected, and a budget for the new year (2022) will…

Online giving

There is a new way to give Tithes and Offering to First Congregational Church – Marshalltown. The Trustees have partnered with the company VANCO to support online giving as another option to allow our church members to give their tithes and offerings to the church. With the Covid-19 pandemic, it has become a challenging time for our church and our church members. This partnership gives our members and those that are viewing our worship online from afar a way to…