Sermons from April 2024

Sermons from April 2024

Christ Our Passover 1 Corinthians 5:7-8; Exodus 12:1-8 April 21, 2024  The Fourth Sunday of Easter First Congregational Church of Marshalltown, Iowa   Introduction-Passover starts this Tuesday Jesus died on Passover, and in the structure of how these holidays are determined sometimes they take place at the same time, and this year one starts long after the other is finished.  Easter is behind us but Passover starts this Tuesday.  Let’s take a look at some of the symbolism of this…

An Open Understanding

An Open Understanding 1 Corinthians 2:10-16; Luke 24:45 Third Sunday of Easter  April 14, 2024 First Congregational Church of Marshalltown, Iowa   Introduction: Sheldon, come home There’s an old story about a lady from the East Coast of the United States, who traveled to the farthest reaches of Tibet and there came to a remote monastery.  She inquired about having a conversation with the chief monk and was told to wait at the gate.  This she did for some time…

Believing and Seeing

Believing and Seeing John 20:24-31; Romans 10:14-17 Sunday, April 7, 2024, The Second Sunday of Easter at the First Congregational Church of Marshalltown, Iowa Introduction Today’s reflection is called “Believing and Seeing” and it notes that the order of faith and trust that our Lord Jesus prefers is the opposite of what is commonly done in the world, and what probably should be done in the world.  There is, after all, a place for doubt in life.  There’s a story…