


1 Peter 2:9 IntroductionLast Sunday I spent a few minutes speaking on the parable of Jesus that ended with the phrase, “many are called, but few are chosen.” In common use, it referred to a selection process in which many were invited to compete, but few would be selected in the end. In the Kingdom of God it is different, in that many are invited but few bother to respond to the invitation. The idea that, as followers of Jesus…

The Wedding Feast People Tried to Avoid

Matthew 22:1-14 IntroductionI don’t know about poorly attended wedding feasts. As a young minister I once lead a funeral for a man who died of alcoholism. He sister was there, his wife wanted to come but she had too much to drink and took the wrong train. The funeral home staff sat with the sister so she would not be the only one there to say goodbye to her brother. Today, we look at an odd parable that Jesus told…

The Chief Cornerstone

Matthew 21:42-44 IntroductionI remember a year of hospital chaplaincy training led by a former Catholic priest from Ireland named Steven. He was a wonderful guy and did a great job as our leader and teach in this program. One of his projects was a sort of group therapy in which the chaplaincy residents sat in a circle in silence until we all had “gotten in touch with tour feelings”. The feelings were often negative; irritation, sorrow, despair, anger (lots of…

Many are Called Few are Chosen

Matthew 20:16 “So the last will be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few chosen.” • IntroductionOne of the teachings of Scripture is that, in addition to natural skills, the Holy Spirit gives people gifts to be used for the benefit of others. They include gifts such as healing and prophecy, and also hospitality and service. Some gifts are more fun and dramatic than others, and it can be tempting to envy people who have gifts…